Already-Inspected is a service to help make the Home Buying and Selling transaction a successful and satisfying experience whereby the status and condition of the property contemplated in the transaction is disclosed by the Seller by way of a Licensed Inspection Report. The Buyer is able to obtain the Inspection Report prior to physically viewing the property and be informed well enough to make the right buying decision. No more rushing to complete an inspection within a few days of signing an “AS IS” Residential Contract For Sale And Purchase, whilst keeping fingers crossed as to the disclosures on the Inspection Report. Real Estate professionals are coming to the realization that the Inspection comes much too late in the home buying/selling transaction cycle. Already-Inspected strives to correct and re-order the sequence of activities in this real estate transaction by advocating Pre-Listing Inspections. We firmly believe that it should be the FIRST step after you decide that you want to sell or buy a residential property.
Having an inspection crush expectation after a contract is signed happens all too often and introduces a whole new round of eleventh-hour negotiations. This is when frustration, anxiety, and anger begin to seep in. In worst cases, the deal is “killed.”
Already Inspected is a platform for sellers, buyers, and realtors who want to avoid the costly pitfalls of not having a pre-listing inspection, and for those who want to eliminate one of the most common obstacles frustrating the completion of the transaction.
Our goal is smooth, successful, and satisfactory real estate transactions. Please spend some time reviewing our website and learn about all the benefits we bring to the industry!